Orangevale Procession of Holiday Lights Waiver:
The Orangevale--Fair Oaks Community Foundation is accepting entrance applications for the Orangevale Procession of Holiday Lights. All entries agree to allow the Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundation to promote, film and advertise names, photos or other information on TV, Radio, Print or Digital Media.
Acceptable entries and floats for the Orangevale Procession of Holiday Lights must be family-oriented and appropriate for all ages. All participants are required to be in or on a vehicle. NO WALKING. NOTHING MAY BE THROWN OR TOSSED FROM THE VEHICLES INTO THE SPECTATORS.
Additional Terms and Specifications:
• The parties agree that the participant(s), and any agents and employees of participant, shall act and are acting in an independent capacity and not as officers, employees, or agents of the Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundation.
• Participant agrees to provide their own vehicle insurance and is aware that their own insurance is responsible for any and all instances or damage or injury or death occurring prior to, during, or after the Orangevale Procession of Holiday Lights.
• Participant will waive all claims and recourse against the Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundation, including the Board of Directors, Employees and Volunteers, the County of Sacramento, and its volunteers including the right of contribution for loss or damage to persons or property in any way connected to their performance, and shall indemnify and save harmless the Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundation, its Board of Directors, Employees and Volunteers from all claims due to any acts or omissions.
• Participant shall indemnify, defend and save harmless the Orangevale-Fair Oaks Community Foundations, including the Board of Directors, Employees and Volunteers, the County of Sacramento, its volunteers, officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought forth from, or on account of, injuries to or death of any person including, but not limited to, workers and the public or damage to property resulting from the performance of this agreement, except as otherwise provided by statue. The duty of the participant to indemnify and save harmless includes the duties to defend as set-forth in California Civil Code section 2778.